  1. Facilitates breathing: A good posture naturally enables you to breathe properly. The reality is that there is a huge difference in the amount of air a person can inhale between sitting up straight and slouching. This is why yoga, pilates and meditation exercises pay so much attention on getting your posture and sitting positions right.
  2. Increases concentration and thinking ability: When you are breathing properly, you increase your thinking ability too. Our brain requires 20% of oxygen to do its job properly. More air, more oxygen. More oxygen, more brain food. More brain food leads to more thoughts, ideas, and efficiency.
  3. Improve your image: People with good postures look smarter and more attractive. Have you ever seen someone slouched and felt the person seemed unkempt, even though the person has not said or done anything yet? On the flip side, someone with a good posture naturally exudes an aura of assertiveness, appeal, and confidence.
  4. Feel even better about yourself: When you have a good posture, it helps to make you feel more self-confident, without even doing anything else different. Try sitting in a bad posture now for 30 seconds. Now, switch to a good posture for 30 seconds as well. Is there any difference in how you felt?
  5. Avoid health complications: A bad posture results in many complications over time, such as increased risks of slipped disc, back aches, back pain, pressure inside your chest, poor blood circulation. By having a good posture, you naturally decrease the abnormal wearing of joint surfaces and the stress on the ligaments holding the joints of the spine together.
  6. Prevents fatigue: When you have a good posture, the balanced, correct alignment of the bones and joints naturally allows muscles to be used properly. Thus preventing fatigue because muscles are being used more efficiently, allowing the body to use less energy.





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